Thursday, April 23, 2009

i disagree

i have to be writing right now. there is so much noise being broadcast out here that i need to be a part of it.

i stumbled off the bus today and into the thick of yonge and dundas circus. i am acutely sensitive to the eaton centre thicket. the pitterpatter of shoppers is dumbfounding considering the economic climate. i saw a young guy glance his fist accross another guy's face. you could tell that he basically missed. fighting seems a lot more desperate and clumsy in real life than it does on tv. and everyone seemed to disappear very quickly afterwards. there were four guys. and then they weren't anywhere any longer.

dennis told me that the word "nowhere" was always very confusing to him as a non-native english speaker. he always wondered if it was pronounced 'now-here,' or 'no-where.' i never even thought about the fact that it lodged those words. nowhere. now here. a while ago we decided that he is better equipped to see the 'big picture,' while my eyes descend upon finer details. i think that this nowhere example proves nothing.


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